Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Vanderpool Days

Our Family's Daily Journey from Kentucky to Rwanda

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I had such a blessing just now. I have a facebook friend, a woman I have never met, on the other side of the world, living in Kagali, Rwanda. This is where my waiting little one is. This precious woman and group of other precious women, just went to visit my sweetie and all the other little sweeties waiting in the orphanage. They did infant message and some physical therapy with the babies and played with the toddlers.

I wonder if she saw or held my baby. I wonder if mine was one of the lucky ones to get some individual TLC today. I am so blessed to have this bit of insider info. To know that my baby is not tied to a crib or laying in the dark crying with no comfort. To know that the nuns and volunteers do the very best they can, that they LOVE my baby and my God and know how my heart aches to be there myself.

Thank you Lord for the gift of this knowledge. Please let the day come soon that I can be there myself to hold my little one in my arms and take them HOME.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah- I saw your post on my blog today. I am so grateful to know that some of the children I may have possibly held have families waiting for them in the states. It was heartbreaking to walk in that orphanage but I kept praying for each child that they will have loving families some day. I greatly admire and respect your family's decision to adopt. It will forever change the life of that child. I know of 3 families that have adopted from Home of Hope and they are just precious, precious children. All of them are healthy, happy kids. I know that there are a group of women who go to the orphanage every week to specifically love on those babies. They have a great desire to serve in this aspect and I have shared with them how much of an impact it is making not only on the babies but the families waiting for them in the states. God bless your family and may your child be home with you soon!
    Amy Nickerson
