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Vanderpool Days

Our Family's Daily Journey from Kentucky to Rwanda

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Born again!

My sweet Gracie was baptized this morning at our wonderful church, Ninth and O Baptist, by our awesome Senior Pastor, Bill Cook. I know the church name is a bit weird, but many moons ago it was built on the corner of 9th street and O street, way back when streets just had letters and numbers in Louisville Ky, to give you an idea of just how old the church is!

Anyways, she was so excited, in her white dress with gold cross ear rings I had given her this morning. We had a total of 5 baptisms this morning, including two of Gracie's best friends. Our minister made the point that this is more than many churches will baptize in a year! We are so blessed!

Gracie was saved during Bible school this summer, and made it very clear that she understood that she was already a Christian, on her way to heaven, and that the baptism was just a symbol, but it was still a very special moment for us. Since before she was born my prayer has been that she would accept Christ at an early age and grow in Him. I was so blessed to see this prayer answered and we continue to pray the same for our little Isaac.

Our church has an outreach program called Roselyn's Hope, you can check out if you google the church's website. It's an orphan care ministry. We consider adoption to be part of the Great Commission, to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Evangelism begins in the home, with our children, what better way to bring a child to Christ, than to first adopt them into your family?

We love you Gracie and I thank the Lord for the ultimate gift of your salvation. I pray that your siblings, BOTH of them, follow in your example!

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